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Flamenco Romántico Store

Flamenco Dance Basics Teaching DVD Vol 1
Technique with Soleá And Bulerías

Marianna teaching DVD

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Flamenco Dance Basics Teaching DVD Vol 2
Refining & Polishing

Marianna DVD
DVD flamenco

DVD Label

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Special Promotion

Marianna teaching DVD
Marianna DVD

$120 for
Flamenco Dance Basics

Vol 1 and Vol 2
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Flamenco Guitar CD
by Freddie Mejia

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Streaming and Download
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In 2006 I had been teaching Flamenco dance for over 10 years. Over the years, many of my beginner students had asked me to make a beginner’s instructional video because they couldn’t find one.  Finally in 2006 I made my first video for beginners. You can buy it now!

“For the price of just taking 4 classes or 1 private lesson, you can have this DVD to refer back to over and over again.  It’s like having a teacher in your living room working with you.”

In 2014 I finished my second DVD, Flamenco Dance Basics Volume 2, Refining and Polishing, which is available as a sequel to Flamenco Dance Basics Teaching DVD Vol 1.

For video clips of this DVD look on youtube flamencoromantico


“Hi Marianna,  Just a note to let you know that I really like your videos. They are just perfect! A class that I can retake over & over to improve. What a wonderful idea you had. I also love the live music!  This summer I’ll have more time & plan on working a lot with both videos 🙂 Richelle”

“I love Marianna’s DVD!  It’s been EXTREMELY helpful to have this to practice.  I’ve looked for a long time for an instructional video that can step me through the basics of flamenco dance, and I didn’t find any.  This is a gem!”  Christine Shin, director of New Mozart School of Music and a beginning flamenco student.

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