Welcome to Flamenco Romántico in Santa Cruz
The Flamenco Romántico Academy of Gypsy Flamenco Arts, is the brain (and heart) child of two artists in love with each other and in love with Flamenco. A Guitarist and a Dancer, together we regularly both visit and study Flamenco in Spain. Our dream is now to bring a bit of the Spain we love to our home and to share it with the Flamenco aficionados here in the United States. We offer concerts, classes and workshops given by top artists from Spain here at our home, Paraíso. We celebrate Flamenco in Santa Cruz county.
Our Academy’s major emphasis focuses on the older more traditional style of Flamenco, the pure rhythmic Flamenco that Gypsies dance in the pueblos of Southern Spain. We are both drawn to this Gypsy style of Flamenco as contrasted to the more formal concert and classical styles and we want to help preserve and pass on this special art form. You can also find us on