Spain Chronicles
Flamenco Romántico en España

Written by Marianna Mejia

You can read about our magical voyage in Sevilla, Spain into the heart of Flamenco, here in the Spain pages. We have our beautiful digital photos here which visually illustrate many of the exquisite and colorful places and the wonderful people described in almost seventy pages of writings by Marianna. It’s the best way we can share our incredible experience living and studying Flamenco dance, guitar and cante in Sevilla, sleeping upstairs in the attic room on the third floor of La Carboneria, the major Flamenco gathering spot bar and club in Sevilla. We counted and are still counting our blessings as they were abundant; and we want to thank the warm heareted and loving people who generously opened so many doors for us and made this quality of experience possible.

Marianna and Federico, Flamenco Romantico