Carmen Ledesma Workshop Santa Cruz 2015
Written by Marianna Mejia
Fri. 30 from 7:00-9:00, all levels
Price: $50 prepaid, $5 5 at the door.
Sat. 31 from 12:00-1:30 all levels
Sat. 31 from 2:00-3:30, intermediate/ adv
Price: $35 per class prepaid, $40 at the door
Both classes $65 prepaid, $75 at the door
Sun. Nov.1 from 12:00- 1 :30, all levels
Sun. Nov. 1 from 2:00-3:30
Price: $35 per class prepaid, $40 at the door
Both classes $65 prepaid, $75 at the door.
Price for all workshops $170 or $180 at the door.
Registration online at:
Or pay by check made payable to Marianna Mejia.
Send it to: Marianna Mejia 1009 Hidden Valley, Soquel, CA
Location: Flamenco Romantico Dance Studio
1007 Hidden Valley, Soquel, CA

Known as one of the best flamenco dance teachers in Andalucia today, Carmen Ledesma will offer workshops in the Bay Area this November, 2015. Carmen Ledesma’s first teacher was Enrique el Cojo, one of the founders of Seville’s unique style of flamenco dance. And her maestro Pepe Rios (from Moron de la Frontera, nephew of Diego del Gaster) was a major influence. In the early years of her career, she worked with Antonio Gades at Spain’s National Ballet. In 1983 she was awarded the prestigious Juana la Macarrona prize for dance at Cordoba’s National Flamenco Arts Awards. She later went on to work with such greats as Mario Maya and El Farruco and toured both Spain and France with guitarist Pedro Bacan’s legendary group “The Pinini Clan,” where she danced alongside Concha Vargas.