Flamenco Dance Classes in Santa Cruz, California
with Marianna Mejia
Special Classes!
Flamenco Workshop
with Flamenco Jukebox
David Lopez-White

March 16, 2025
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
at Flamenco Romántico Dance Studios
$40 in advance
$50 cash at the door
For registration email
Hi all,
Thanks for coming out to the fun and dynamic workshop in February, focusing on a performance of Carmen Amaya’s troupe from the early 1960’s!
I can see how the dedication and regular attendance is paying off, folks are gaining confidence and we are laying down more solid compas. I also notice that it’s quicker for people to pick up and get the basics of completely new material.
Next workshop I am spinning around a couple options, please chime in and let me know which you’d like to work on?
option 1: Bring back the Ezequiel Benitez Bulerias
option 2: Dig deeper with the Macarena de Jerez fiesta sequences
option 3: deep dive into a new set of cantes from Jerez
option 4: Start covering major Bulerias styles from Jerez
option 5: Stick with the material we already covered, and just spend more time “jamming” and refining how we put it all together in real time
I know that’s a lot of options, but we can eventually get to all of it, month by month throughout the year.
Please RSVP and let me know your preference in the next few days?
Flamenco Dance Class Santa Cruz
Ongoing Schedule 2025
Classes with Marianna Mejia
11:00AM – 12:30PM
Multi-level – includes beginners
Emphasis on footwork technique, palmas & Bulerias por Fiesta
6:30PM – 8:00PM
Some experience necessary
focusing on technique, Tango, some Solea, some Alegrias, and some Siguiriya
Come to both classes for a more intense and deeper Flamenco experience
***Live music in most of group classes***
Presented by Flamenco Romántico in the Flamenco Romántico Dance Studios
1007 Hidden Valley Road, Soquel, (Santa Cruz County) CA 95073
$60 for a 4 classes taken within a 4-week period or $20 drop-in fee
We accept cash and Zelle
11:00AM – 12:30PM
Multi level
Drop In
Cash or Zelle:
11:00AM – 12:30PM
Multi level
4 classes taken within a 4-week period
Cash or Zelle:
6:30PM – 8:00PM
Drop In
Cash or Zelle:
6:30PM – 8:00PM
4 classes taken within a 4-week period
Cash or Zelle:
Private Lessons Available on Request
Classes with Marianna Mejia
For more info and to enroll

Marianna Mejia. Photo by Kyer Wiltshire
We love Flamenco
What a workout!
Hope to see you
at our next class!
Also please check our
Comments from Our Flamenco Students
My inspiration. Marianna was my Flamenco teacher in California and as she approaches her 80th year, she is still teaching. She was a kind and encouraging teacher who brought amazing talent from Spain to teach in her Santa Cruz studio. Some of the best experiences of my life were at her flamenco parties and I made great friendships with other dancers that I still cherish. Ole’, feliz cumpleaños Marianna. Thank you for sharing your talent and your home. I greatly miss your studio lessons!
Cat Norris
♥♥♥ Thank you for this beautiful deep and magical memory moment of my life . You’re all my Heart Family and I have you all in my ♥. So many flamenco dance party. All your classes are thérapeutique moment berceause your filosofie and arritude Life. I Love you until stars. Santa Cruz Big Family I have ♥♥♥
“Thank you so much for the last couple of classes! You are a wonderful teacher, and I think I’m falling in love with Flamenco!”
Caitlin H.
“You have been a wonderful teacher, mentor, and being. I’m so happy we were brought together. Gracias por todo.”
Malin Alegria
Hola Maestra.
We were so delighted to see you last night! Cathy, Jose and I can’t sing you enough praises on how lovely you look and how healthy you glow! Cathy and I were exchanging our feelings on what an inspirational woman and teacher you are. You are so encouraging and helpful as a teacher and as a human being, just as wonderful as they come! 🙂
I love you dearly and I just wanted you to know that!!!!!!
… I am very clear that my learning comes from YOU. … my learning truly, comes in the way you break things down, the patience and time you have to show each one of us how to hear the sound, see the “dibujo”, imagine the roots of the tree, and so forth. These are only some of the important things you bring as a teacher…….something i have yet to see in any other instructor that has come by (and perhaps they don’t have the luxury of time as they are only here teaching 1- 5 days maximum).
That being said, I hope to continue going to your class as long as I have breath in me and learn from whom i consider THE BEST!
Con mucho amor y respeto,
Now, the fact that you are not from Spain, believe it or not IS the very thing that makes it so helpful. I grew up dancing to Cumbia and Hip-Hop. I cannot convey or relate to those who DIDNT grow up with it. A better teacher will be the one who caught on DESPITE he/she didn’t grow up in it, make sense? To me, you have got it all, including humility and poise.
Thank you infinitely for teaching me much more than the complexity of footwork, compass and all of the counter intuitive upper body movements. You posses so much more than you are aware of and for that I am grateful.
“Thank you for the great classes this week. I am loving the Solea. …”
Kathryn M.
“Thank you Marianna, we have you to thank for the development of our skill and our introduction to the flamenco Gypsy arts. We are looking forward to the performance.”
Nicholas H. & Michelle D.
“Thank you Marianna for the flamenco class on Saturday, I enjoyed it so much ”
Gabriella L.
“Teacher, a todos y a todas, tu nos ensenas la passion por el “Deep Flamenco Gypsy Feeling”
Tu eres Funny
Tu eres pura Gitana 🙂 Oléééé 🙂
You are a Beautiful Woman Marianna 🙂
My Flamenco Teacher” Virginie V.
“Your dance class came into my life when I needed it most. I was healing myself after a divorce, and your reminder to feel and transforming the energy within was food for myself. Thank you for teaching me and helping me to be empowered again.”
Student (anonymous)
“Thank you for your wonderful gift of Flamenco in my life.”
Patricia D.
“Dear Marianna,
Thank you so much for the wonderful class. Hope we can get you on the radio.”
Nada M.
“I was just thinking about you yesterday, Luis and I were giving a semi-private lesson to a couple here in Boise. The wife wanted to know more about bulerías and then we got into my travels in Spain. I really appreciate all of the opportunities and support you guys have provided all of these years. Without it, I would likely not have so much Flamenco knowledge and experience–I cannot say Thank you enough!”
Estefania S.
“Marianna: Thank you sooo much for a wonderful class. You have inspired me! Counting down the days til the next class”
Tracy F.
“Wonderful class tonight, always leaves me motivated and nourished. Thank you for your presence and your teaching!”
Cathryn B.
“Marianna, Hi! Thank you soooo much for yesterday’s class! It was PERFECT!!!”
Amanda S.
“Dear Marianna,
Thank you for your warm welcome to this amazing form of expression. It is very special for me and I can hardly wait for next week. I am intending to come. It feels so much like part of my healing journey.
When I was a child my father brought back a Flamenco ‘outfit’ from Spain, a ruffled dress with large white circles on a red ground, a mantilla and castanets. I would dress myself in this and imagine dancing. I was a shy child and yet somehow this resonated with me. Going to Spain with my family on holiday I felt strangely at home, not the little ‘English’ girl I seemed to be.
I wondered if my daughter’s attraction to Flamenco came through me, through something I had never explored in myself. In the last seven years or so I became fascinated with Sephardic music and song, the legacy of the Jews of Spain and Portugal. It has a similar soul to Flamenco and they share common roots, Moorish and Gypsy. I even wonder if my Romanian grandfather was descended from Sephardic Jews. His parents were buried in Spain and we do not know why.
In traveling this path with cancer I try to listen to the
‘grandmothers’, to my intuition about where healing lies. Sometimes their instructions are so simple, what to eat or who to call as an ally. It felt so right to be there in your beautiful studio yesterday. Your teaching was so whole and I am amazed that I left having a real sense in my body of some of the pieces that weave into this dance form, this prayer form. I am smiling as I write this and grateful and glad. My body and soul thank you.
“I LOVE taking flamenco classes with you, Marianna! The live music and your joyful presence make me thrilled to learn this most passionate dance with you. Thank you!”
Serina T.
“Ole!! I am impressed how fast your students are learning!!”
Roberto V.
“Maestra … I can’t tell you enough what an amazing teacher you are and love, love, love (did I say love?) you style and teaching methods!”
Aymeth S.
“Saludos Maestra!
What a great class last night~
really enjoy your teaching methods and watching you dance is such a treat…..muchas gracias!”
Aymeth R.
“Dear Marianna, I am so enjoying your Bulerias class! I appreciate your willingness to review previously-taught steps and to answer all our questions. It is a good for us to hear your encouragement, as it inspires us to practice, learn and express more through dance.”
Laura S.
“ The little one … was also really very sad that we didnt go (to class last night). She wasn’t all that much into Flamenco and after she saw you do the Solea, she told me: “Me gusta mucho NUESTRA clase de Flamenco, Mami….mi maestra es muy bonita y me gusta mucho la musica!” I couldnt be happier!!!”
Aymeth R.
I appreciate all that you do in transmitting the dynamic art of flamenco dance.”
Laura S.
“Thanks for such a fabulous class – I truly enjoyed it. Looking forward to Thursday!”
Cathy N.
“Your classes are the best! I’m grateful to have you as a teacher.”
Cathy N.
“Thank you for sharing Marianna. Class was marvelous tonight!! I love both the Tango and Solea – you’re a great teacher!”
Cathy N.
“Thank you so much again for the beautiful gifts from Spain. You are a wonderful teacher and a beautiful soul! Tonight was great – Óle!! XOXOXO.”
Daniella S.
“I’m loving your classes – there is so much to work on, and it’s a good (safe) place to grow. Everyone – you, Freddie, James, Aaron – you all know so much and are so supportive. I am looking forward to joining the Wednesday group.”
Daniella S.
“Hi Marianna,
What a great class last night – thank you so much. I’m really liking Wednesdays…”
Daniella S.
“… there are things I definitely miss about your classes. That’s why I’m writing to you, to tell you, I believe I WILL be back in your studio … in the future.
… p.s. We started working on Bulerias today, and it was almost too easy for me! Thanks to you, Federico, and the other musicians at your studio, of course. As soon as she clapped out the first measure, I remembered it instantly and effortlessley, much to my delight and surprise”!
Diana N.
“Flamenco class truly feeds my soul.”
Marcie W.
“Hi! It was great to see you both again, and dance! I really had fun, although my toes feel hammered. Freddy looks remarkably well and is back to criticizing all of us, so he can only be on the mend.”
Paula R.