About the Young Living Essential Oils

e-mail: LaMarianna@aol.com

So many of you have asked me about the oils that I am writing to all of you. They are made by Gary Young, ND, of Young Living Essential Oils. To order call 1-800-763-9963. Because it is a MLM company you must use my name and pin # the first time: Referring member and Placement/sponsor: Marianna & Fred Mejia pin #24499.

I was only going to order some to try until I looked at and played with someone else’s kit and then I knew that I wanted them all! I also ordered a diffuser to go with it all! I can show you my kit - With an first order above $50 you can become a distributor and then get percentages of the orders of the people you turn on to the oils, and from my experience so far, people will want to buy them! You can also just sell the oils to them yourself and then order more for yourself but that is more hassle.

They smell so good! And they work. It is the effectiveness of the oils themselves that is exciting. As I might have already written, I have already healed my torn calf muscle (doctor diagnosed) with these oils and am no longer limping, even after a week of strenuous Flamenco classes. I also healed my aching (computer weary) wrists. They really do work. And I am still amazed! The catalogue is a total of 6 pages. I can send anyone a catalogue. These oils are organically grown, processed carefully with low or no heat, and are of a very high quality. The blends are put together from knowledge Gary got from studying the hieroglyphics in Egyptian temples, studying with an Egyptian biochemist expert on essential oils in Cairo, and studying in Turkey, Israel and France. I will copy tapes of all this information for anyone interested.

I never thought that I would be into aroma therapy!! I just fell into this one by accident (it seemed). Probably it was guided by the spirits, as my new teacher appeared when I journeyed about the oils. I have been diffusing them in my therapy office and getting good results too. I could go on and on but I won’t now …. Did I answer all your questions?

M-Grain (for migraine headaches) only costs $28 (for 15 ml) plus shipping. I have been using 3 Wise Men for more vivid journeys. There are oils that facilitate healing from abuse, emotional release, prayer and meditation, forgiveness, etc. There are many that are anti fungal, antiparasitical, antibacterial, etc. In fact, I have written a page I made for myself in treating the parasites I once had and the memo I wrote for my mother about the oils I sent her when I was just at the beginning of all this. Since then I have also written more pages on conditions and what oils I used to promote healing. I continue to have amazing and wonderful experiences with healing using the oils both for myself and others. Someone asked me about frequencies. I have a chart here that lists all the frequencies. Rose oil has the highest frequency. There are some oils that when mixed with others serve to increase the frequency. This is an excellent company and everyone I have talked to who has been involved with it raves about it. Gary’s sister has written a newsletter and has published a book - both of which I have. Gary has several books out including an essential oil PDR. Everyone is on a first name basis. I called his sister (in Wyoming) with some questions about which oils to use for what and she was very giving, helpful, and friendly. I love it. Since I started with them, the company has grown by leaps and bounds but the products are still good and the company still has the same high integrity that impressed me so much when I started with them.

e-mail: LaMarianna@aol.com

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